ChefConf 2018 Call for Presenters is Open

ChefConf is the largest community reunion and educational event for teams on the journey to becoming fast, efficient, and innovative software-driven organizations. In other words, you and your team!

ChefConf 2018 will take place May 22-25 in Chicago, Illinois and we want you to present! The ChefConf call for presenters (CFP) is now open.

ChefConf attendees are hungry for learning and sharing and are eager to hear of your success, experiments, failures, and learnings. Share how you have adopted new workflows, tools, and ways of working as a team. Describe your journey toward becoming outcome-oriented. What have you done to improve speed, increase efficiency, and reduce risk throughout the system? Continuous learning is the name of the game and your experiences are worth sharing!

CFP Basics

Deadline: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 11:59 PM Pacific time.

Track themes:

  • Infrastructure Automation
  • Compliance Automation
  • Application Automation
  • People, Process, and Team
  • Delivering Delight
  • Chaos Engineering
  • Don’t label me!

Full descriptions of each track can be found on the ChefConf site.

Why Submit a Talk?

ChefConf is the largest gathering of the Chef community. Community is driven by sharing: stories, experiences, challenges, successes, and everything in between. By presenting at ChefConf you are supporting the growth and health of the Chef community.

ChefConf is an ideal platform to spotlight an awesome project you and your team have delivered. Giving insight into your challenges, success, and knowledge will inspire others to take Automation, DevOps, and Site Reliability even further.

Are you trying to build your own brand or speaker profile? ChefConf gives you a great opportunity to expand your marketability, while helping others do the same.

Take a “talk-driven development” approach and propose a session on something in the Chef universe you are keen to learn more about. This approach will give you even more motivation to learn something new and share it with the community.

There a numerous other reasons to submit, from exercising your storytelling skills to taking advantage of the myriad speakers-only swag and green room amenities. Whatever your motivation, we cannot wait to see your proposal!

What Makes for a Good Proposal?

Be clear, be concise, and be compelling. We received hundreds of submissions for 2017, so brevity is appreciated and ensures your submission will be given thorough consideration.

The best abstracts include a title that clearly states the topic in an interesting way and complete information on the topic and type of talk. If a demo will be involved, let us know and describe it. Bringing in a co-presenter? That’s awesome and should be detailed in the proposal.

We’ve shared details on each track on the ChefConf website. The ChefConf team is also happy to help with your submission, just email us at

ChefConf 2018 will be here before you know it — we hope to see you presenting in Chicago!

Submit your proposal now.

Nathen Harvey

As the VP of Community Development at Chef, Nathen helps the community whip up an awesome ecosystem built around the Chef framework. Nathen also spends much of his time helping people learn about the practices, processes, and technologies that support DevOps, Continuous Delivery, and Web-scale IT. Prior to joining Chef, Nathen spent a number of years managing operations and infrastructure for a number of web applications. Nathen is a co-host of the Food Fight Show, a podcast about Chef and DevOps.