Terraform with vCenter and Chef

If you’re just starting out with Terraform, you may feel overwhelmed by all the different options and settings. Read on to learn how I set up Terraform with vCenter and Chef. Hopefully, this guide will make your journey a bit easier, and provide some context around Terraform .tfconfig files. The following links are two examples of .tf files that work in my lab. These files have comments to help explain what’s going on. I’ll be taking a deeper dive in this post, so I suggest either having the GitHub gist open with this post beside it or pulling the files down to your favorite text editor.


Assuming you clicked on the link you’ll notice that it’s called one_machine_chef_vcenter.tf and variables.tf.

First, scroll all the way to the bottom of the gist, and find thevariables.tf.

Quick Links




This might seem a bit backwards,  but the best practice is to have everything that can be overwritten in a variables.tf file. Terraform pulls everything in a directory when you run,terraform apply so as a human it’s nice to have good labeling for a file that you know are variables and could be manipulated if needed.

If you git pulled, saved, or copypasta’d these files down, the first thing you have to do is put them in their own directory. This was the “gotcha” that I missed going through the tutorial and it’s good to highlight here. Terraform creates a few other files when you run the commands, and if you don’t have it in it’s own directory you can clobber things when Terraform processes, and that’s never good.

OK, now that we have the files, let’s open the variables.tf and walk through it.

VMware Connection Settings

# Main login, defaults to my admin account
variable "vsphere_user" {
  default = "administrator@vsphere.local"

# Main password, defaults to my admin account
variable "vsphere_password" {
  default = "Good4bye!"

# vCenter server
variable "vsphere_server" {
  default = "vcenter.tirefi.re"

Lines 1 through 14 contain the username, password, and server you want to drive. Putting the password in the file is a pretty dumb idea, but this was an example, so let’s say we want to inject it at terraform plan instead. Remove lines 6 through 9 and add something like this: terraform plan -var 'vsphere_password=Good4bye!' This will inject the password in the plan phase, which is a bit more secure. There are many other options, if you want to dig farther into the docs, this this link is the base usage while this link is a much deeper dive of the variables. As you can see, there are a ton of things you can do here, but let’s iterate instead of biting it off all at once.

Chef Connection Settings

# My connections for the Chef server
variable "chef_provision" {
  type                      = "map"
  description               = "Configuration details for chef server"

  default = {
    # A default node name
    node_name_default       = "terraform-1"
    # Run it again? You probably need to recreate the client
    recreate_client         = true
    # Chef server :)
    server_url              = "https://chef.tirefi.re/organizations/tirefi/"
    # SSL is lame, so lets turn it off
    ssl_verify_mode_setting = ":verify_none"
    # The username that you authenticate your chef server
    user_name               = "admini"

Lines 16 through 33 are my connection to the Chef server I have and some default settings so I don’t have to worry about it. Having sane defaults is always a good idea, and these are mine. You can override them just like we did with removing password from the file, as an experiment I suggest you giving that a shot. The most interesting line in this stanza is line 29, ssl_verify_mode. As a practitioner of Chef you’ve probably set this mode on your clients with your self-signed Chef server multiple times. This option is deep in the docs, and this is the line that set it to your setting you know you use. As you can see it’s in " " as a string that is passed up to the client.

Instance Connection Settings

variable "connection_thingys" {
  type                      = "map"
  description               = "Configuration details for connecting to the remote machine"

  default = {
    # Default to SSH
    connection_type     = "ssh"
    # User to connect to the server
    connection_user     = "admini"
    # Password to connect to the server
    connection_password = "admini"

Because I’m horrible at naming things, lines 35 through 47 are my "connection_thingys". In order to get into the machine Terraform needs a way to either SSH (in this case) or WinRM into the machine. Setting my default username and password for my templates and allow them to be overwritten for my future self. Just a tidbit of fun here, all my admin accounts are called admini because Ubuntu won’t let you have admin, and I hate passwords so I use admini as the password. For CentOS, I use root/admini to be as consistent as I can be. So if I wanted to bootstrap a CentOS machine I would do something like: terraform plan -var ‘connection_thingys.connection_user=root’ The astute user would notice that line 36 in the one_machine_chef_vcenter.tf has the template hardcoded so I would have to add it, but for brevity sake this is the gist.


Scroll back up or open up one_machine_chef_vcenter.tf now, this is the meat of the integration. It’s pretty verbose, which is a dealers choice of good or bad. For showing this off to someone, I think it’s really nice but alas, figuring it out by hand is a test of patience.

vSphere Provider Settings

# Configure the VMware vSphere Provider
provider "vsphere" {
  user           = "${var.vsphere_user}"
  password       = "${var.vsphere_password}"
  vsphere_server = "${var.vsphere_server}"
  # if you have a self-signed cert
  allow_unverified_ssl = true

Because we are going to be connecting to vCenter, we need to talk to the vSphere provider. We can talk about why they are named differently, but that’s a whole other blog post. Lines 1 through 8 are the variablized connection options. Because I didn’t namespace them, and they are at the “root” of thevariables.tf file they are just called with ${var.blah} this is helpful to know as you start making your own. Because I don’t have anything other than self-signed certs, line 7 is how you connect to the vCenter instance with a self signed cert.

The rest of the file is the declaration of the one machine. Yes, it’s only one, which seems a tad bit overkill, but as I say above it’s verbose and does exactly what you’d like to do. There are three main stanzas is this section, a resource stanza which you can probably guess is the actual machine, and two the provisioner stanzas. We’ll start with the resource then talk about the two provisioners.

The resource declaration is line 11 through 39. We tell the resource that we want a vsphere_virtual_machine, which tells it to create a VM object in vCenter. If you click on this link you can see the official documentation, and more interestingly, take a look at the left-hand sidebar. There are all of these different resources that you can declare, so in theory you could spin up a whole infrastructure in your VMware environment, and tear it down with two commands. I challenge you to attempt this after you get the basics of just one machine down.

# Create a virtual machine within the folder
resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "terraform_01" {
  # name of the machine inside vCenter
  name   = "terraform-1"

Line 13 is the name of the machine you want inside vCenter. If you have some standardization of naming conventions this is where you’d add this though as you get more comfortable with this maybe create this as a variable? You could extend this and run it on the command line if you had to do multiple of these.

  # DNS inside the machine
  dns_suffixes = ["tirefi.re"]
  # Domain instead of default vsphere.local
  domain = "tirefi.re"

Lines 14 through 17 are the DNS entries. If you want the DNS inside the VM to be set, this is a way for the drive to do it, line 15 is has to be a list. This is something like ["tirefi.re","example.com"] but as you can see, I only use tirefi.re. By default, the driver adds vsphere.local as the default external DNS, if you want to force a different domain, line 17 is how to do it.

  # What datacenter to connect to
  datacenter = "Datacenter"
  # How many vCPUs
  vcpu   = 2
  # How much memory in MBs
  memory = 4096
  # Create it in this resource pool
  resource_pool = "terraform"
  # Linked clones are the best clones, don't forget to create the snapshot
  linked_clone = true

Lines 18 through 27 are where you’d like to put it inside of vCenter. My datacenter’s name is “Datacenter”, if you had multiple DC objects, like “West” and “East”, in vCenter you could force it here by changing it to “East” or “West.” Maybe this is another candidate for a variable? If you have multiple DCs this could be nice to just flip a variable to get this built in any of them.

If you need to bump the size of your cloned template lines 20 through 23 is a way to do it. I think these are my default settings from the template, but this at least shows this off. Line 24 and 25 is the resource pool that you want to put it in. This is required if your `default resource pool resolves to multiple instances, please specify` happens. Here I just created a resource pool called terraform and started to throw machines into it. I should mention here, if you figure out how to do the main root of the Datacenter I’d love to hear it, please reach out to me.

Lines 26 and 27 aren’t required, but you should be using linked clones if you aren’t. Assuming your template has at least one snapshot, this will clone the template via linked clone and the newest snapshot. It’s significantly faster, per my test I show here:

vsphere_virtual_machine.terraform_01: Creation complete after 3m24s (ID: terraform-1) # as a normal clone
vsphere_virtual_machine.terraform_01: Creation complete after 1m27s (ID: terraform-1) # as a linked clone
  network_interface {
    # What network you want to connect to
    label = "Internal Network 3208"

Now that you have the machine declared, you probably need a place to put on the network, lines 29 through 32 is an example of how to do it. My main network from my VMs is called "Internal Network 3208" so that’s how it creates and connections the vNIC to the network.

  disk {
    # What template to clone
    template = "template-ubuntu1604"
    # What datastore to create it in
    datastore = "vsanDatastore"

Lines 34 to 39 is the disk setup. This is the bare minimum you need to create what is needed for your VM to work, which are the template and the datastore you want to inject it into. As you can see, the template line is self-explanatory, but line 38 is more interesting. My name of my data store is "vsanDatastore" which, yes, is a vSAN datastore. So the driver allows you to leverage vSAN if you use it, which was a pleasant surprise and genuinely unexpected.

Now that we have fully declared the machine including networking and disk, you could remove the rest of the file and run this. That’s pretty neat, a repeatedly variablized plan to always request vCenter for exactly what you want. But I like the next stanzas more, this is where the post provisioning requests start to shine.

Remote-Exec Provisioner Settings

Let’s continue by talking about the first section lines 42 through 56. This provisioner called remote-exec, as you can assume, runs arbitrary commands on the remote machine.

   inline = [
      "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock",
      "sudo dpkg --configure -a",
      "sudo apt-get install -f",
      "sudo apt autoremove -y",
      # This was interesting here, i needed to add a host to /etc/hosts, this injects the sudo password, then tee's the /etc/hosts
      "echo admini | sudo -S echo ' chef chef.tirefi.re' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts"

Being this demo is a Ubuntu box and has bash, line 43 to 50 are just bash commands. You can also use powershell, if you have powershell access or on a Windows template, but I’m on Ubuntu here so bash is all I have. If you take a look at the following commands you’ll see that I’ve had trouble with locked dpkgs in the past, so this is me force unlocking it, and installing any broken dependency packages, including auto removing any hanging packages.

Line 49 has probably caught your eye. This is the only way I could figure out how to inject something leveraging Terraform to the /etc/hosts on initial post provisioning. Like all DNS administrators know, DNS is always more challenging to work with then you’d like, so I added this line to force where my Chef Server IP is located. Let’s take a detour and a quick explanation of this specific command:

echo admini | sudo -S echo ' chef chef.tirefi.re' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

First the echo is the sudo password for my user admini. The middle pipe is runs sudo with the read password from standard input flag -S on it, and echos the IP short name and fully qualified domain name. The third pipe runs sudo again with the cached password and appends the /etc/hosts file using tee -a. Yes, this seems like a lot, but the beauty of this example is it now shows you how to inject arbitrary lines on post provisioning with sudo. It’ll be worth playing with this chain of commands to wrap your head around this. It’ll help you a lot as you get more advanced and need to do these type of “one off” post provisioning commands.

    connection {
      type          = "${var.connection_thingys.["connection_type"]}"
      user          = "${var.connection_thingys.["connection_user"]}"
      password      = "${var.connection_thingys.["connection_password"]}"

Line 51 to 55, is the way to SSH into the machine. It pulls in from the variables.tf and injects them in there.

Chef Provisioner Settings

provisioner "chef" {
    server_url              = "${var.chef_provision.["server_url"]}"
    user_name               = "${var.chef_provision.["user_name"]}"
    # I couldn't figure out how to put the userkey as a variable, so you'll need to change this
    user_key                = "${file("/Users/jjasghar/repo/vmware_playground/pems/admini.pem")}"
    node_name               = "${var.chef_provision.["node_name_default"]}"
    # Here's a inital run_list :)
    run_list                = ["recipe[base]"]
    recreate_client         = "${var.chef_provision.["recreate_client"]}"
    on_failure              = "continue"
    ssl_verify_mode         = "${var.chef_provision.["ssl_verify_mode_setting"]}"

    connection {
      type          = "${var.connection_thingys.["connection_type"]}"
      user          = "${var.connection_thingys.["connection_user"]}"
      password      = "${var.connection_thingys.["connection_password"]}"

The next provisioner stanza is from line 58 to 75 and is how to bootstrap Chef into the virtual machine. If you use Chef, all of these settings should seem extremely familiar. I won’t go through them all, but I’ll highlight the possible “gotchas.” Line 62 is how you can get the .pem in as your username from line 60. It seems that Terraform doesn’t like this to be interpolated so this was the only way I could figure out how to get it to work. If you have an initial base cookbook, line 65 is where you can declare the run list for it. The connection section uses the same settings as the remote-exec which, needless to say, is pretty useful because we can just declare it once via the variables.tf.

With all of these settings, if you want to bootstrap a VM with some Chef injected and ran, in vCenter you can, with a few simple commands like the following:

~/terraform/testing $ terraform plan # makes sure that the plan works and creates the initial plan.
~/terraform/testing $ terraform init # if the previous fails due to missing plugins or settings, this command pulls down vsphere, for instance
~/terraform/testing $ terraform apply # run the terraform plans after you've set everything up this should be the only command you ever need to run to build this.
~/terraform/testing $ terraform destroy # will remove the running VM, but _not_ remove it from the Chef server. Take note of this, the recreate client option will recreate it

Hopefully, you’ve learned something here or at least seen the power of leveraging Terraform for something like this. Continue on to part two of this post to see Windows and multiple node examples. It builds off what I have shared here.

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JJ Asghar

JJ works with Strategic Technical Alliances at Chef Software making integrations work with Chef, Habitat, and InSpec. He works on everything from Azure, VMware, OpenStack, and Cisco with everything in between. He also heads up the Chef Partner Cookbook Program to make sure customers of Chef and vendors get the highest quality certified cookbooks. He grew up and currently lives in Austin, Texas.