
Featured Story

Danske Bank

Automating Manual Server and VM Deployments, Creating an Internal Chef Community

View the Customer Story

Danske Bank

Feb 23, 2021, 13:07 PM
Title : Danske Bank
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Before Chef, the process for provisioning a Linux server or a virtual machine was manual, time-consuming, and difficult to scale effectively. Because there was no programmatic way to apply or validate server configurations, setup tasks were manual and error-prone, and verification was rudimentary.


Deploy Chef and develop cookbooks to automate provisioning, implementing Chef InSpec to test and ensure the efficacy of cookbooks as they are developed.


  • Danske Bank was able to remove the manual and time-consuming process of multiple handoffs for provisioning and scaling Linux servers, to using Chef as easy as the push of a button
  • They translated their provisioning and scale requirements into executable code removing the manual processes into repeatable, automated workflows
  • Using Chef InSpec they codified standard requirements and execute automated tests against standards, catching any deviations immediately and preventing costly rework

Download the White Paper

products :
  • Chef Automate
  • Chef Infra
  • Chef InSpec
solutions :
  • Configuration Management
  • Infrastructure Automation
industries :
  • Financial Services
contenttypes : Customer story
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